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                 TEDS STORY


Hello Ted here! Well this is me the day I was picked up by Northumberland Dog Welfare in a Morpeth Park, I had been living on the streets scavenging for food for a long time, I was very poorly with sore cracked bleeding skin and not much fur, my tummy was swollen, even my beautiful Shih Tzu tail had gone and I was left with a tail like a rodent and my chin was so very sore.



The Dog lady decided that I needed a special place to go and be looked after ans so the journey began I came into STAR without even a name of my own but that was soon sorted out, I had a nice warm bed, good food and lots of gentle cuddles and my foster mummy whispered in my ear your a STAR boy now your safe

Off to the vets, skin scrapes, blood tests, well more tests than you can imagine, special shampoo's. I was found to have Cushings and demodex mites. Lots of medications, tlc and vets visits and this is me today


I will always need a lot of meds and care and the future is not certain as complications could set in, that I know will be dealt with when it happens, for now I'm doing fine the only thing I would like is a Birthday, a special day of my very own, hey I may even get a party! Lick Lick Tedx

P.S The lovely members of STAR had a fundraiser to help all the foster dogs and I got my very own birthday 28th May I have everything I ever dreamed off thanks to everyone at STAR 

Due to Teds medical condition he will stay in STARS care as a long term foster with his foster mummy who loves him dearly, if you would like to donate to help Ted and all our rescued dogs please click the donate button 




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Romeo ....


Romeo (originally called Sooty) was advertised for sale on an internet selling site.

He was described as a lovely family dog who had a limp.

One of our members offered him a home, and so one of our admin went to collect him.

It immediately became clear that this was a breeding farm, and not a very nice one.

This little dog was paid for, and, after vet checks, found to have an untreated deformity to his front legs.

Further investigation also shows he had a ruptured diaphragm (possibly caused by being kicked) which makes surgery on his legs extremely risky. Romeo now still lives with the lady who rescued him,

who dedicates her life to his care – for however long he has. He’s a very happy little man, in spite of his problems.

Everyone who meets him falls under his spell, He’s a VERY special little man and so deserves his place as our rescue's Mascot. 



This little girl was signed over to us she came with no confidence at all,

just fear, it soon became clear that Millie's fear caused her to growl continually and also bite,

she was very confused one minute she would be as good as gold the next she would without provocation sink her teeth into you.

Off for a vet check, which turned into a war zone within minutes and ended with the vet being bitten,

she growled non stop through her check.

It was agreed she must be sedated for a proper check and to get her clipped,

The vet could find no medical reason for this little girls continual behaviour and weeks of her experienced foster mum working with her,  things did not improve.

It became apparent we needed help and that is where Kathy came to the rescue. Millie went over to live with Kathy on her small holding with all her other dogs, she soon reached the conclusion this beautiful little girl had no faith in humans at all, maybe she had been treated like a human baby and then rejected when the novelty wore off or just abused, whatever the reason Millie was in a very bad place in her head.

It took a long time but after running free with Kathy and her other dogs in the fields for 2 hours 3 times a day she would return home hungry and tired and sleep in her little den,

she had no rules, no lead just freedom, slowly this frightened little girl would get closer and closer to Kathy and even got cheeky pinching a treat from her lap.

Kathy rang me every couple of weeks and would always says theres no rush she will get there in her time, and she did, this week Millie was adopted by a lovely couple and her new daddy she loves to bits and follows everywhere he goes, she also has a little friend to play with. 

Millie has come a very long way this little girl was the most aggressive dog the rescue have encountered without a medical condition, at times we do have to call on the help of experts in certain fields to help us, the little ones may go off the radar for a while but it is their best interest and at every stage we are in contact and following their progression.
"Good Luck" Millie... you made it to a happy life, we always knew you would.


Faith and Rory ....


Faith and Rory had been given in to a pound.

The vet that was called into the kennels to look at them said that they were in such a state that they couldn't be re-homed to the general public. And, unless they could find rescue space they would be put to sleep at the end of their 7 days ‘holding’ period. He also said any rescue taking them should have ‘deep pockets’. They were both in a terrible state when we collected them from the pound.

As well as being severely malnourished, extremely matted, dirty and smelly, Faith was found to have a Pancreatic tumour, which needed to be removed immediately.

Both dogs needed to undergo anaesthetic to have their matted fur removed, Faith had her tumour & her pancreas removed, and they were both neutered at the same time. The bill for them both that day was well over £1300. They both needed tender love and care, frequent small meals to build them up, and on-going medical care. They may not have made it...BUT THEY HAVE!!!

Both Faith and Rory have been re homed and have unpacked their suitcases for the last time.


Harlie ....


Harlie's (originally called Rosie) owners left her with a neighbour for the weekend - and never returned for her.  

The neighbour couldn’t cope so surrendered her to our care.

Rosie was in a terrible state when she was given up, she was extremely dirty & completely matted. She needed to be shaved right down to her skin. Once her hair was shaved, it was easy to see that this little dog was also very undernourished too.

Rosie was fostered out, given nourishing food, warmth, and rehomed to a loving family. She was given a new name, Harlie, and has blossomed with their care and love. Happy days for Harlie. 


Bella and pups ....


Bella, and her litter of 5 3 week old puppies were advertised for sale on an internet selling site.

We paid the asking price, so we could get mum and pups safe.

Bella was very undernourished, though her puppies were all healthy and well.

Puppies and their mum received everything a mum and pups should, good food, care, love & playtime's.

The puppies all went to loving homes, where they continue to thrive.

Bella remains with her foster family, who adopted her as they couldn't bear for her to part with her. 

We later discovered that Bella could only have been just a year old when she gave birth to her litter, which is far too young. Bella, and her puppies would have had such different lives, 

had we not been able to rescue them.

They all now have happy lives and futures. 


Nancy ...

Nancy was rescued from a ‘back-yard breeder’.

She had lived in a crate inside a window-less garage, along with about 20 other dogs in crates.

She was made to produce many litters (we are not sure how many), making a lot of money for the ‘breeder’.

When she was no longer of use, the breeder callously ‘sold’ her on

When we collected Nancy, she was extremely nervous, as she hadn’t been properly socialised.

She was not house-trained, was very wary of people, everyday noises & situations, didn’t walk on a lead, and would hide under the table when she was worried.

Her foster carer helped Nancy gain a little confidence and trust, but she remains a very nervous little dog. Nancy now has her forever home after being adopted by her foster family who continue to love and help her.



This little girl was signed into our rescue as Sidney,

She had been living rough with gypsies and was often found wandering and scavenging, Jackie noticed her and told them to look after her,

when they moved on they left her behind in Jackies garden, this was 3 months ago, Jackie could no longer keep her due to her own dog fighting with her and she was signed into our rescue.

Sidney was collected from Morecambe and when she came to me in an awful mess I scanned her straight away, you could see this little girl was young although fed well she was rather matted,

whilst Joy checked her chip I bathed her and clipped her matts away.

Her chip results where found and sure enough Sidney was indeed Cindy who had been reported missing in Febuary after a workman had left a gate open, she vanished into thin air from a country lane with only 3 homes, her owners searched in vain putting up posters and getting in touch with dog lost etc they kept her chip details up to date.

One can only imagine how they must have felt when Joy rang to say their beloved little Puppy had been found 8 months later and was now only 10 mile from them with me!

Fiona and Anthony and daughter arrived at my house 20 mins later and looked in shock,

Cindy was running around her tail wagging and so excited, although only 9 months old when stolen, by what we believe to be workers putting a drive down next door, she still remembered her family.

Her daddy so pleased he gave us a £100 donation to go towards helping others. 
Long day yes, emotional very, worth while definitely and all made possible because her owners kept her chip details up to date 
Good luck beautiful little Cindy your back home with your family and you have given us all hope.

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